Summer season tips :

          Onset of summer season brings a lot of changes in our routine life.It brings a welcome relief from cold winter season.Life in all forms starts spreading as temperature reaches comfortable zone.However,further increase in temperature starts new breed of health problems.Sun burns,heat stroke,loose motion ,vomitings just to name a few.

Here we shall try to increase our knowledge about living summer season in a healthy way.

* Apply appropriate sunscreen on exposed skin parts like face,arms,forearms,hands etc.Please ensure that your sunscreen has SPF 20 or more to protect your skin from harmful UV rays of sunlight

* Hydrate yourself properly.Merely drinking plain water will not quench your thirst .Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar to each glass of water.This will quench your thirst and give your body vital electrolytes.

* Eat light meals.Body produces a lot of heat while digesting meals.Lighter meals are easier to digest and keep our body light and healthy and cool

* Avoid wearing synthetic clothes.Wear cotton clothes which are comfortable on body.

* Using water cooler and air-conditioner and suddenly moving out in hot summer puts you in danger of exposure.One is comfortable inside room but suddenly moving out in hot temperature causes sudden physiological changes.This causes sudden cold,chills and fever etc.
To avoid this , one should keep setting of air-conditioner and cooler to medium comfortable range of 21-25 ^c

* Use only clean water for drinking purposes .It is wise to add 1 chlorine tablet to every 20 litres of drinking water.Keep for at least half an hour before using it.

                                        Enjoy summers with above handy tips and live healthy.