How to make ORS and guide to ORS use ? (Oral Rehydration Solution )

Oral Rehydration Solution --
 How to prepare ORS ?    
How to use prepared ORS ?

                     As it becomes clear from above , ORS or oral rehydration solution is used to rehydrate our body.Immediately ,the question arises ,what is the need to rehydrate ourselves ?

             Excessive loss of sweat in summers by athletes,players and even common man causes weakness in the body.Excessive diarrhoea,vomitings and excessive urination as in uncontrolled diabetes or repeated urinary tract infections also cause weakness in the same way.If we have to recover from weakness,we have to rehydrate ourselves.

Why can't we drink water instead of ORS to rehydrate ourselves ?

Water although compensates for fluid loss from body ,it does not compensate for electrolyte loss that occurs along with water in any fluid loss.So only water intake results in incomplete recovery and some amount of residual weakness.

How to prepare ORS ?

How do I Know that I have dehydration ?

What is dehydration ?

The reduction in water content of the body is called dehydration in simple words.Water content can be decresed either by increased loss from the body (as in diarrhoea,vomiting,significant blood loss, from any cause,heat stroke) or from reduced intake of fluids.

Whenever there is fluid loss from body in form of loose motion,vomiting etc.The total body fluid decreases due to loss and there occurs DEHYDRATION.There occurs simultaneous loss of electrolytes which also need to be replenished.

How do I Know that I have dehydration ?

These are subjective symptoms of DEHYDRATION
* Increased feeling of thirst
* Decreased amount of urine while urination
* Decreased flexibility or turgor of skin
* Weakness or tiredness in the body
* Fall of blood pressure

Simple Suggestions :

*The body tries to compensate dehydration by  initially by creating feeling of thirst.
*So you should drink hygienic water whenever you feel thirsty.
*Please add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar to each glass of water to compensate for electrolytes.
*If available, drink plenty of ORS(oral rehydration solution)
*Donot stop oral intake of fluids even if you continue to have diarrhoea and vomiting.

Hope you find the information useful..


Every newborn baby is immunized with various vaccines.There is a long list of vaccines which are required for young ones.It is often seen that parents often remain confused about the time and type of vaccine required.Although each baby care centre attempts to make things clear by providing immunization cards,these are sometimes kept aside or forgotten.

Since dates of various vaccines are very specific,delay in immunization results in decrease in potency of immunity that is developed as a result of vaccination.I present here a gross guide to help you verbally remember the time when your baby needs to be immunized.

As soon as baby is born, immunization with BCG, Polio and hepatitisB is done.

At the age of 6 weeks,10 weeks and 14 weeks, a combination of various vaccines is given.This includes DPT and HIB. Hepatitis B if missed earlier, can be given in a combination pentavalent vaccine.

At the age of 9 months, measles immunization is given to the baby

At the age of 12 months, MMR immunization is required for prevention against measles mumps and rubella.

At the age of 18 months, booster dose of same vaccine given at age of 6 weeks is needed to boost up the baby's immunity.

This is the most common schedule adopted and recommended by most governments including India.

Some paediatricians like to follow schedules which vary in minor way from above.They may also advise additional vaccines like chickenpox, hepatitis A, influenza ,meningitis and so on.Since each of these gives prevention against different diseases,their use is also suggested as per advice.

Please note that baby may have fever after some vaccines.This is normal and it usually comes down in two to three days.Antipyretics should be used as per advice given.

Keep in mind the above mentioned schedule so that you know the approximate date and month of your baby's date with the doctor.