Pregnancy should always be planned in advance.
Addition of a new member in the family puts social and financial burden on the entire family.A new born baby attracts attention of the whole family especially mother and father.Mother needs to be with the baby round the clock for the initial 6-7 months.Working women have to arrange total 6-12 months leave from their job in order to take good care in pregnancy and after delivery.This total period is very important for all women.Good care in this period gives not only physical but emotional strength to women.This in turn enables the women to take good care of the baby.
The household women on the other hand have to face entirely different situation.Since they stay at home ,everyone including their husbands think that they can take care of themselves.However it is not so.Household women have so much work at home that they get very little time for themselves.Some things need to be avoided in pregnancy.Lifting heavy weight like buckets of water,washing lot of clothes manually, squatting for prolonged periods are very stressful to many women.If any job is stressful it should best be avoided and alternative should be arranged.
Every missed period by common sense creates a duobt of pregnancy in the minds of women.One should comfortably wait for at least 1 week before taking pregnancy test.After that one should visit nearest trusted healthcare facility for registration and initial tests of pregnancy.These tests aim at screening some problems beforehand so that they are treated well before they create trouble.So such tests should always be taken and money should be arranged for them at the time of planning the pregnancy.If everything goes normal doctors usually advise for one visit every month.In later months of pregnancy more frequent visits fortnightly or weekly are required.Many times ultrasound is also advised for various reasons.Results of all the tests tell that everything is progressing in expected way.
If you live at a place where healthcare is not available or inadequate , one visit after every three completed months is very basic and essential.One should always get one's weight and blood pressure checked at every visit.Height should always be got measured at initial visit.Blood group of husband also should be known or checked.
Although there are many things to tell ,some important warning signs always need to be known so that any arising problem is detected and managed at an early stage.
- Constant headache
- Swelling in the feet
- Swelling on face
- Pain in the belly especially in lower part below naval region
- Constant backache
- Constant tiredness
- Discharge from private parts
- Bleeding from private parts
- Inability to feel movements of baby in the belly