Headache is a very common health problem disturbing almost all individuals at some point of time.Headache can result from various causes.Tension headache resulting from stress is very common among middle aged persons.Headache can result from teeth and gum problems.Sinus problems and ear problems also cause headache.Difficulty in sight,near or far,glaucoma and other eye problems also cause headache.Headache can also be a symptom of hypertension or high blood pressure.Depression,Acidity gastritis,lack of sleep also sometimes cause headache.Females can also suffer from headaches due to anaemia or low haemoglobin.They sometimes also experience it during days of periods.Headache pain can be very severe as it occurs during migraine.Tumors in brain,Meningitis,Encephalitis can also cause continuous headache.
Whenever you experience headache,think of a common cause first.Usually one doubts of a big problem but experience shows that majority of headaches can be cured.There are a few which require continuous medication.Only sometimes,one lands into a problem requiring major medical or surgical intervention.
Irrespective of the cause,headaches cause suffering and loss of working hours and even decreased quality of work.So it becomes important that headache should be managed properly.Treating the headache by taking a painkiller will be like treating half the problem.Unless the cause is treated,headaches will not stop bothering you.One should avoid the habit of taking painkillers everytime one suffers from headache.