Fever/ Pyrexia what to do at home ?

             Fever or Pyrexia  is a very common symptom of a lot of diseases.Everyone suffers from fever at some point in the life.These days hospital management is highly investigation dependent and rightly so.Although costly,It enables proper diagnosis and thus correct and prompt treatment.It also enables the doctor to tell about the duration of medicine use,the future possibility of cure and seriousness of the disease.The present article is an attempt to increase knowledge about fever and the diseases that cause it.

How fever occurs ?

It is actually a warning signal by our body to indicate that something is wrong and there is need to correct it.
Any substance or microorganism which is toxic to our body or produces toxic substances causes production of pyrogens in the body.Although pyrogens are produced by body to kill or neutralize the toxins/microrganisms,they produce fever as a result of fight with these.

What is fever ?

Our normal body temperature varies slightly in the morning and evening.If we donot bind ourself tightly to international norms,for practical purposes,temperature of body more than 100F constitutes fever.

How to measure fever ?

Fever is measured using thermometer.Many types are available.Among the common ones,One is digital and battery operated and other is age old mercury based.Both are accurate and any of these can be used.Fever should be measured at least twice a day to know correct disease pattern.

What accompanies fever ?

There are many additional problems which occur alongwith fever.These should be carefully noted and told to doctor.Some of these are :
* chills
* rigors/shivering
* headache
* vomiting
* diarrhoea
* pain in belly/back
* rashes over body
* cough/cold
* pain in ear/throat
* discharge from nose/ear
* profuse sweating
* loss/decrease in appetite
* bodyaches
* boils

Any of these problems and additional problems if any should be told to the doctor to enable proper diagnosis and correct management