Diarrhoea or Loose motions are an extremely common problem. These are more common during summers and rainy season. These also occur following community functions like parties, marriages due to intake of unhygienic food. These occur due to various other reasons about which we do not know much. In this article we shall increase our knowledge about this problem.
What is Diarrhoea ?
Increase in liquidity of stools and/or increase in frequency of passage of stools is called diarrhea. In this article we shall not bind our self with tight technicality of definition.
Let us try to understand common causes of Diarrhoea
- Infection
- Hormonal problems
- Intestinal problems
- Drug intake
It is commonly caused by bacterial infection like E coli,salmonella,shigella etc.. Viral and protozoal infection can also cause diarrhoea.
Some hormonal problems like hyperthyroidism, hypoadrenalism and diabetes can also cause dirrhoea.
Intestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis are also cause of chronic dirrhoea. Some metabolic problems also present as chronic diarrhoea.
Some drug intake like Excess of antibiotics, antacids, drugs given for cancer ,for high blood pressure, iron preparations and pain killers can also cause diarrhoea. Some worm infestations like giardiasis cause chronic diarrhoea.
Even excess anxiety can irritate your bowl and cause acute diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea also can occur after some operations like removal of gall bladder and removal of some part of intestine.
Even improper absorption of food that we eat can also cause us diarrhea.
What happens in diarrhoea ?
Diarrhoea is usually a result of excessive secretion of intestinal fluids or due to increased frequency of motion due to alteration of bowl habit. Infact , passage of more than 3 loose stools per day constitutes diarrhoea.
What are the effects of diarrhoea on our body ?
Diarrhoea causes excessive loss of body fluids in the form of stools. If water and salt intake is not suitable, this results in decrease in body water/fluids. This results in dehydration. In addition you may have
- Weakness
- Pain or cramps in the belly
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Dryness of tongue*
- Decreased urine*
- Weight loss*
- Foul smell in stools
- Blood in stools*
- Semi-conscious or un-consciousness*
If you get these problems beyond your tolerance, you should see your doctor. Further ,if you get any of above problems which are starred*, you should immediately ask for medical help. It is worth to note that many times, in diarrhoea, condition of a person worsens rapidly so timely help can be life saving !
What can we do at home in diarrhoea ?
Several things are very important in prevention and home management
- Control fever .Do not allow fever to rise by cold water sponges
- Control vomiting if it is there.
- Do not restrict intake. It is commonly seen that intake of food orally is restricted. This further increases dehydration as there is nothing to compensate for loss of body water. Light and easily digestible foods like overcooked rice, porridge are acceptable
- Take ORS (oral rehydration solution ).This is available everywhere and should always form a part of every home’s first aid kit. Method to use it is always written on packet itself. Read carefully and use.
- Take boiled water/mineral water/uv-ro purified water only while traveling
- Add chlorine tablets in your water storage tanks (buy from medicine shop over the counter ) in case of epidemic/endemic of diarrhoea in your surrounding.1 tablet suffices for 20 litres of water. Calculate your need by knowing the approximate storage capacity of your water tank